Volume 1 Issue 2

Research Article

Monitoring of Land Reclamation Development in Newly Reclaimed Area in El-Mania Governorate, Egypt

Ahmed H Mohamed1*, Ali G Mahmoud1 , Mahmoud M Shendi1 and ƚŝĨǁĂĚĂůůĂ1

Agricultural expansion is one of the main strategies for reducing the food gab in developing countries. In Egypt, land reclamation projects have been started for over 50 years and have a significant contribution to food production. Some of the newly reclaimed areas progressed well, while others faced some problems that decreased the production. Recently, a new project for land reclamation have been initiated to make an expansion towards the desert areas along the old agricultural land. PDF

Research Article

Seawater Desalination - Removal of Boron Rests From Desalinated Seawater:Boron Adsorption by Composite Magnetic Particles

Mor Boaz-Rozenzweiga2 , Shlomo Margela1 , Ludmila Buzhansky2,3, Rami Kriegera2 , Galina Satsa2 , Marina Kovaliova2 Inbal Lapidot 1,2and Shimon Shatzmiller2

The northern part gets an average of about 600 mm of rain annually, this can produce mineral water wells and drinking waters to a population of about 3-4 million humans. One of the major sweet water sources relies on Mt. PDF

Review Article

Synthetic Chemical Application in Aquaculture Production

*Idowu TA and Sogbesan OA

The expansion of commercial aquaculture in meeting the demand placed upon its products by the increasing world population has necessitated the intensification in its production activities. Predominantly, the use of synthetic chemicals (compounds) in the prevention and treatment of disease outbreaks owing to pathogens, and in other operations to boost production. This in no doubt has compromised PDF