Reviewer Guidelines

As a peer-reviewed to our publisher, you are the part major role in our community.

Reviewer responsibilities include peer-review process and to evaluate and enhance the quality of an article.

When you receive invitation to review:

  • Peruse the editorial manager's email, which incorporates the article abstract
  • Decide if the article coordinates your specialized topic and you could finish the survey in given stipulated time
  • Do you have any conflict of interest with author(s)? Uncover this to the editorial manager when you report a survey

If you decline the invitation:

  • Please indicate the reason if you are not ready to review
  • Suggest any of your specified colleagues or alternative reviewers if possible

If you accept the invitation:

  • Download all documents.
  • Maintain privacy regarding manuscript and review details.
  • Remember that the editor is seeking them for subject information, decision making ability, and a legitimate and reasonable evaluation of the qualities and shortcomings of the work and the original copy.
  • Instruct the editor concerning your proposal for acknowledgment, reconsider or dismissal by giving explicit remarks and recommendations.