Language Translation

The term says it all and language translation is about converting a written word from one language to the other. The translation should take place in a manner so that it is culturally and linguistically appropriate. The language in a translated mode must be understood by its intended audience. One must never confuse language translation with interpretation and there is a clear distinction. The language translation refers to only written words and in the case of interpretation, it can be spoken. Language translation has plenty of use in modern life and it helps you to conduct business overseas.

Bioaccent Publishers have certainly used this technology to benefit humanity as they are constantly on the lookout to present the digital world with research development ideas. Some of the work may be in languages, which are not widely spoken or read. However, our language translation services allows the Non-English authors to bring every piece of valuable research information available online into the greater public domain.

We publish scientific content only in English language for greater visibility and wider impact across the world. Authors from Non-English speaking countries can make use of our language translation service to convert the manuscript to English at a very reasonable price. We translate the content from the following languages: French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese and Japanese.

For more information on language translation, please contact the editorial office at