Volume 4 Issue 4

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Massive Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease

Regragui Souhail 1*, Slaoui Amine1 , Touzani Med Alae1 , Karmouni Tarik1 , Elkhader Khalid1 , Koutani Abdellatif1 and IbnAttya Ahmed1

A 45-year-old man presented to the emergency department for severe hematuria and abdominal pain. He had a history of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease for 16 years. He had evolved to endstage renal failure requiring hemodialysis. The clinical examination revealed the clinical signs of anemia and two large kidneys. PDF

Commentary Article

Cutaneous Metastasis of an Urothelial Carcinoma

Mohammed Alae Touzani1,2*, Souhail Regragui1,2, Amine Slaoui1,2, Tariq Karmouni1,2, Khalid El Khader1,2, Abdellatif Koutani1,2 and Ahmed IbnAttya Andaloussi1,

The most common sites of metastases of urothelial carcinoma are the lymphatic system, bone, lungs and liver. The cutaneous localization is anecdotic. The aim of this paper is to push clinicians to be vigilant in patients being followed for cancer when a skin lesion appears. We report the case of Mrs. M.B., 62 years old, smoker, previously operated for a muscle-invasive bladder PDF

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Fournier's Gangrene in a Woman

Mohammed Alae Touzani1* and Yassir Himmi1

Fournier's gangrene is a necrotizing fasciitis that affects the perineal, genital, or perianal regions. It affects mostly men, rare cases of women have already been described. Here we report the case of a 63-year-old diabetic patient who went under surgery 10 days ago for a vaginal cancer (total colpectomy), which is taken to the emergency room for an infection of the operating site. PDF

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Giant Infected Spermatic Cord Cyst

Souhail Regragui1,2*, Mohammed Alae Touzani1,2, Amine Slaoui1,2, Tariq Karmouni1,2, Khalid El Khader1,2, Abdellatif Koutani1,2 and Ahmed IbnAttya Andaloussi1,2

Spermatic cord cysts are benign tumors usually delimited by a thin membrane and containing liquid, located between the head of epididymis and the external inguinal ring. It is rare to find an infected content. We report the case of Mr. T.G., 71 years old, smoker, with no previous medical history. He consulted the E.R. for a scrotal swelling since 10 years, with pain and fever PDF

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Radiologically Visible Kidney Stone's Concentric and Radial Layers

Mohammed Alae Touzani1,2*, Amine Slaoui1,2, Souhail Regragui1,2, Tariq Karmouni1,2, Khalid El Khader1,2, Abdellatif Koutani1,2 and Ahmed IbnAttya Andaloussi1,2

All the steps leading to the formation of urolithiasis define lithogenesis. These steps are well known: saturation and super saturation of urine, (homogeneous or heterogeneous) nucleation, crystal aggregation and growth, crystal retention and stone formation. The growth rate of kidney renal stone can be very variable, depending PDF