Volume 4 Issue 2

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Clitoral Hypertrophy : An Unknown Pathology

Regragui Souhail1*, Slaoui Amine1 , Slaoui Aziz2 , Touzani Alae1 , Kharbach Aicha2 , Abdelaziz Baydada2 , Karmouni Tarik1 , El Khader Khalid1 , Koutani Abdellatif1 and IbenAttya Ahmed1

Clitoralhypertrophyis extremely rare and can lead to psychosocial disasters. This pathology is observed from birth in most cases. It may be the result of congenitaladrenal hyperplasia, truehermaphroditism, mixed gonadaldysgenesis, and may even be idiopathic. The 21-hydroxylase deficiency described in the literature corresponds PDF

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Junctional Syndrome on Horseshoe kidney

Slaoui Amine1*, Slaoui Aziz2 , Regragui Souhail1 , Touzani Alae1 , Kharbach Aicha2 , Abdelaziz Baydada2 , Karmouni Tarik1 , Elkhader Khalid1 , Koutani Abdellatif1 and Ibnattya Ahmed1

A 32-year-old woman without significant pathological ATCD consults for diffuse right lumbar pain in a febrile context. It also reports an alteration of the general condition. Clinical examination reveals positive right lumbar contact. The biological assessment found does not detectany particular anomaly, the renal function is preserved. The Uro-scan shows a horseshoe kidney PDF

Case Report

Management of Peyronie's Disease using Yachia Technique : Case Report and Review of Literature

Regragui S1*, Slaoui A1 , Touzani MA1 , Karmouni T1 , El Khader K1 , Koutani A1 and Iben Attya A1

The penile curvature is a relatively common reason for consultation in urological clinical practice. The curvatures are generally subdivided into two types: the frequent congenital one, and the acquired one which contains the Peyronie's disease (PD) PDF

Case Report

Urothelial Carcinoma with Sarcomatoid Component

Khdach Y1 , Slaoui A1,2*, Berrid C1 , El Bahri A1 , Alami M1 and Ameur A1

Sarcomatoid carcinoma is a rare bladder tumor characterized by the presence of an epithelial and sarcomatous component. Immuhistochemistry is sometimes necessary to make the differential diagnosis with sarcoma. PDF

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Penile Fracturea Pathology to Remember

Slaoui A1*, Himmi Y1 , Lamzef Y1 , Bilgo Abdulaziz1 , Karmouni T1 , Elkhader K1 , Koutani A1 and Ibnattya A1

A 21-year-old man with no significant pathological history presented to the emergency department for acute pain in the penis during intercourse. The clinical examination finds a penis increased volume with a symmetricedema and deviated to the left. Ultra sound reveals a hematoma with ruptured albuginea of the right cavernous body. Surgical treatment has been advocated. PDF