Volume 2 Issue 1

Review Article

Karyomegalic Interstitial Nephritis: a Review of Literature

Vinay KS1*and Sujatha Siddappa1

Karyomegalic Interstitial Nephritis (KIN) is a rare cause of hereditary chronic interstitial nephritis described first time over 40 years ago. The prevalence of this disorder KIN is less than 1% of all the biopsies examined. KIN term was introduced by Mihatsch et al in 1979, who described 3 cases of systemic karyomegaly associated with chronic interstitial nephritis. Disease presents as slowly progressive chronic kidney disease eventually PDF

Case Report

Post Abdomino-Perineal Resection Urethrocutaneous Fistula: a Rare Cause of Persistent Perineal Sinus and its Minimal Invasive Technique of Management

Sandeep Nunia1 , Ankur Bansal1 , Priyank Yadav1 , Prempal Singh1 , Devarshi Srivastava1 and Aneesh Srivastava1*

Persistent perineal sinus is a common complication after perineal surgeries reporting upto 30% in various series. Most common underlying cause is wound infection, lymphocele, incomplete healing due to irradiated tissue etc. Iatrogenic urethral injury leading to urethro-cutaneous fistula PDF

Case Report

Long Segment Congenital Anterior Urethral Stricture: Managed by Onlay Prepucial Urethroplasty

MC Arya1 , Dr. Lalit Kumar1*, Mayank Baid1 , Rajeev Kumar1 , Amit Sandhu1 and Rahul Tiwari1

Congenital urethral strictures are uncommon. They may present with vague lower urinary tract symptoms. Diagnosis is confirmed by retrograde urethrogram or micturatingcystourethrogram. These are managed by internal urethrotomy or urethroplasty. In this report, we are sharing our experience PDF


Hypothetical Sperm Bank and Artificial Fertilization in Ancient Greek Literature

Sergio Musitelli1 * and Ilaria Bossi2 **

The story line of Euripides' (485-406 B.C.) tragedy HIPPOLYTUS is – in few words – the following: in Theseus' royal palace in Troezen, Phaedra, the second wife of the king, falls madly in love with her stepson Hippolytus, who is a young and bald hunter, who despises not only all the women but even Aphrodite, the Goddess of love, beauty and fertility. By contrast PDF