Volume 2 Issue 2


Hospice Care and Consultation Services Improve the Rate of Do-Not-Resuscitate Order Signing and Reduce the Use of Chemotherapy at the End of Life

Peng-Chan Lin 1,2, Wei-Hsin Chiu1 , Ge-Lin Chiu3 , Yu-Yen Chen3 , Co-ShiChantal Chao4 , and Wu-Chou Su2,5*

We evaluate the percentage of terminal cancer patients willing to sign do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders and avoid unnecessary chemotherapy.From 2005 to 2009, atotal of 3,024 terminal cancer patients were enrolled. The DNR rate significantly improved from 45% to 75% and the unnecessary PDF


The Health Economics of Palliative Care: an Indian Perspective

Arunangshu Ghoshal

Only a few studies have assessed the economic outcomes of palliative therapy. The major areas of interest include hospice care, the process and structure of care, symptom management, and palliative chemotherapy compared to best supportive care. At present, there is no definite healthcare system followed in India. Medical bankruptcy is a common phenomenon PDF


Bioethics and the Need for Activities Programs in Holistically Caring For the Enduring Spirit / Personhood in Dementia

Celia M. Ross1*

Activities professionals are vital team members in nursing homes for providing holistic care for individuals with dementia. Their work is important for caring for the enduring spirit / personhood in dementia and providing quality of life. PDF