Volume 4 Issue 1

Mini Review

Plant Secondary Metabolites: Natural Antibacterial Agents

Anil Kumar*

Secondary metabolites are produced by the plants and these include alkaloids, phenolics, flavonoids, etc. Unlike primary metabolites which are directly involved in plant growth, development, and reproduction, these secondary metabolites are considered to be defense tools for the plant. In the last decade, much research has been carried out on the antibacterial activity of these plant secondary metabolites. PDF

Mini Review

Importance of Sleep in Affective Spectrum Disorders

Alvaro Antonio Jerez Magaña*

The sleep is an active physiological process essential to preserve the physical and emotional well-being of the individual. People affected by diseases of the affective spectrum usually show significant variations in sleep patterns that negatively impact the evolutionary course of the disease. Adequate sleep control is important to preserve PDF


Reverse Vaccinology: Use of Genomes for Vaccine Design

Nikita Chordia and Anil Kumar*

Vaccines have a major impact on public health and life-expectancy. Reverse vaccinology is considered to be fundamental part for vaccine development. Reverse vaccinology includes comparative in silico analysis of genome sequences to predict the epitope(s) of pathogen. Further progression includes pan genome, comparative, structural and functional genomics. The process of reverse vaccinology PDF

Letter to the Editor

The Centers of Premeltons Signal the Beginning and Ends of Genes

Henry M Sobell*

This paper begins by reviewing our crystallographic studies of planar intercalators complexed to a series of self-complementary DNA and RNA- like dinucleoside monophosphates done in earlier years. The results of these studies readily explain the observation of neighborexclusion -- that is -- why intercalation is limited to occur between everyother base-pair in DNA at high drug/DNA binding ratios. PDF

Research Article

Allelopathic Activity of Leaf Extracts of Mimosa Pudica on Growth Parameters of Brassica Juncea Seeds

Pratap Chandran R1*, Deepak V1 , Sai Krishna2 , Saniya Fathima2 , Ameena Thaha2 and Jeenitha Raj2

Mimosa pudica L. commonly known as touch me not plant is semi erect sub shrub of tropical America, Australia and also found in India. The focus of the study was to evaluate the allelopathic activity of aqueous leaf extract of M. pudica against different germination parameters of Brassica juncea seeds. The experiment was carried out in petridishes with ten B. juncea seeds and were irrigated separately with different concentrations of plant extracts. PDF