Volume 4 Issue 2


Biochemical changes in Asphyxiated Neonate presented with Convulsion

Azmeri S1*, Ruma P1 , Shima B2 , Nobo KG3 , Kazi I4 Sheikh FS1 and Farhana R

Birth asphyxia is the commonest cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality and neurologic disabilities among survivors1. Biochemical disturbances occur in blood frequently in perinatal asphyxia. In presence of such disturbances it is difficult to control seizure and there is risk of further brain damage early recognition PDF

Case Report

Ayurvedic Medicines Can Have Side Effects on the Unborn Baby if Taken in Pregnancy

Kishore Kumar1*

Ayurvedic Medicines ("Ayurveda" for short) have played a significant role in Indian health care for centuries. Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest holistic ("whole-body") healing systems - developed more than 3,000 years ago in India. With the advent of allopathic medicine PDF

Mini Review

Smart Nutrients and Tender Loving Care (TLC) for Brain Growth

Elizabeth KE*

Brain development of a child is dependent on several factors like genetic factors, nutrition, tender loving care (TLC), environmental factors and protection from brain insults like asphyxia, hypoxia, trauma, infections and so on. Out of all these external factors, nutrition PDF


Malaria Vaccine-Current Concept

BD Gupta1*, Adarsh Purohit2 and RK Maheshwari3

Malaria is one of the major killing diseases in various parts of world. As a part of development of many ways to control and eradicate this deadly disease one of the novel approach is development of an effective malaria vaccine like there has been vaccines for other infectious diseases. Many vaccines have shown promising results PDF

Short Communication

Iron Deficiency a Public Health Problem in India

Agarwal KN*

Nutrition Foundation 0f India studies in 7 states(Assam, HP, Hy, Kerala, MP, Orissa, TN )by Agarwal et al; IJMR.2006 & 2007, showed that anemia prevalence in Pregnancy was 86.1% with Hb 7.0g/dl- severe anemia being 9.5%; while in Lactation 81.7 % had anemia with Hb 7.0g/dl in - 7.3%. In maternal anemia (hypoferremia) fetal liver iron stores PDF