Volume 2 Issue 1

Case Report

Galactosaemia – The Cause of Gram Negative Neonatal Sepsis

Kishore Kumar R1*, Piyush Shah2 and Syed Tejamul1

Galactosaemia is caused by deficiency of the enzyme galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT). Gram negative sepsis, liver failure and death are common if untreated. Early diagnosis especially in babies with Gram negative sepsis - can prevent both morbidity and mortality. PDF

Letter to Editor

Unexpected Hypothermia Following Ibuprofen

Man-Soi Lo1*, Lee Yan2 and Jorge Sales Marques2

A 3-year-old girl was diagnosed to have hypothermia with rectal temperature at 34oC. Following the warm blanket and towels for half hour; the girl's temperature was soon gradually raised to normal ear temperature of 36 oC. The girl showed no sign of sepsis or severe infection that led to hypothermia. All analyses were normal. Six hours before, she took oral ibuprofen PDF

Case Report

Fatal Drowning of Infant in Bathtub

Chu Kong1*, Lee Yan2 , Filomena Laia McGuire2 and Jorge Sales Marques2

A 4-month-old boy was brought into the Emergency Room, found unresponsive by parents after being submerged in the bathtub of a hotel room. He was bathing with his parents who had fallen asleep for "few minutes" when the incident occurred. The infant succumbed regardless of prolonged resuscitation. PDF

Case Report

A Neonate with Severe Anemia

Cheong Si Leong1*, Tong Van Ieng1 , Chan Tzun1 , Lui Kin Man1 and Jorge Sales Marques1

We presented a case of male neonate, term baby 39+5 weeks of gestation with birth weight 2970g and Apgar scores were 2, 5 and 6 at 1, 5 and 10 minute respectively. His early day of life was complicated with severe anemia, perinatal asphyxia and multiple organ failure. Follow C-section delivery, he presented with hypovolemic shock, congestive heart failure PDF


Metformin Therapy in Obese Insulin-Resistant Adolescents: A 6-Month Trial

Diana Baptista1*, Sandra Pereira2 , Andreia Teles3 , Rosa Campos3 and Jorge Sales Marques3

Childhood obesity has increased significantly in recent decades and is currently considered a public health problem. Obesity affects children and adolescents, increasing insulin resistance and risk for type 2 diabetes. Current treatments have low effectiveness in weight loss. PDF