Volume 1 Issue 2

Case Report

Case Report - Gigantism Diagnosed in a Grown-Up Male

Cheung KK* ,Ma RC, So W Y, Kong AP, Chow FC

Case Report - Gigantism Diagnosed in a Grown-Up MalePDF

Research Article

Assessment of the Tongue's Stereognostic Ability of Healthy Subject in the Absence of Visual Reference Objects

Shigenori Kawagishi1*, Toshiko Tanaka2 and Risa Tateishi 1

Assessment of the Tongue's Stereognostic Ability of Healthy Subject in the Absence of Visual Reference ObjectsPDF

Research Article

Perfect Pitch: The Neural Basis and Perceptual Mechanisms Involved

Irene Ramirez Pérez1*

Perfect Pitch: The Neural Basis and Perceptual Mechanisms InvolvedPDF

Research Article

Ocular Conditions among Small Scale Miners in Selected Communities in the Ashanti Region of Ghana

David Ben Kumah* , Abdul Kabir Mohammed, Akua Amoanimaa Asare Ankomah and Eugene Appenteng Osae

Ocular Conditions among Small Scale Miners in Selected Communities in the Ashanti Region of GhanaPDF