Volume 3 Issue 5


Why Gram-Positive Bacteria are Easier to Eradicate with the N-CH3Analogs?

Marina Kovaliov1,2, Galina M Zats1,2 Amnon Albeck2 , Gary Gellerman2 and Shimon Shatzmiller2*

Nosocomial infection is the main cause of death and increased morbidity among inpatients throughout the world. From data conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), it was found that 17 of every 100 hospitalized patients would present with hospital-acquired infections in both developed and developing countries at any given time. PDF

Case Report

Therapeutic Outcome of Deep Brain Stimulation: A Single Center Review

Akira Tempaku*

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a well-established neuromodulation therapy. Electric stimulation of brain nuclei makes neural circuit activities appropriately. PDF


Attention Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis and the Utility of Various Clinical Tests and the Event Related Potential P300 to Detect it – A Case Control Study From a Tertiary Care Centre in South India

Somasundaram Aadhimoolam Chinnadurai1*, Divya Gandhirajan1 , Avathvadi Venkatesan Srinivasan1 and Lakshmi Narasimhan Ranganathan1

Knowledge regarding attention impairment in MS and the value of tools used to detect it are lacking. This study aims to uncover the prevalence and clinical/ demographic profile of attention impairment in MS and tries to identify effective clinical and electrophysiological tests to assess attention in MS patients. PDF


Dicer and Dementia: From the Molecular Level to a Possible Role in Memory Care Activities

Celia M Ross

For more than a decade, there has been increasing interest in epigenetics as a key factor in the molecular mechanisms of health and disease, including cognitive wellbeing [1,2,3,4,5]. It has been said that that if the genome is the cell's cookbook with genes being the recipes, epigenetic markers are sticky-notes telling the chef which recipes PDF