Volume 2 Issue 4


Normalization of Vital Functions of Pathological Cells and Tissues By Key Mechanisms of Cell Adaptation and Reprogramming

Sergei Paylian1*

Many decades have passed since the discovery of stem cells in 1908 by the Russian histologist Alexander Maximov [1] and the beginning of serious study of stem cells in 1961 by Canadian scientists James Till and Ernest McCulloch [2]. Unfortunately, there has been little success in developing therapeutic applications for stem cells. PDF

Research Article

Planting Times on Growth and Yield Performance Evaluation of Wheat

MN Atikullah1 , RK Sikder2 , MI Asif3 , AFM Jamal Uddin4 and H Mehraj5,6*

The experiment was conducted from November 2012 to March 2013 to find out the sowing date on growth and yield of wheat (BARI Gom-26). Three different sowing dates S1: Sowing at 19 November, 2012; S2: Sowing at 29 November, 2012 and S3: Sowing at 09 December, 2012 were used in the experiment using Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. PDF